Green Thumb

Before I start, let me first say my garden is still a work in progress. I have been vegetable gardening about four years now. I was raised around relatives with huge gardens, fields and farms, so I think I should have some gardening genes and a hidden green thumb. I also love to be outside and I enjoy playing in the dirt. But for the work that I have been putting into my garden, I am not seeing enough results. I need help! I think I am missing just a few tips and changes to make my garden spring forth with the vegetable that I expect it to produce.

The soil that I have is mostly store bought Miracle-Grow®, top soil and a few other added soil mixtures. I thought this mixture would be an improvement over my previous raised garden beds which contained mostly bulk topsoil. That earlier garden produced a plentiful harvest of squash and tomatoes, which we are aiming to grow now. I used a little commercial fertilizer in that garden, but I am trying to avoid that now.



I have made a couple changes this year that I hope will improve my harvest. First, I cut down a lot of tree limbs which blocked a lot of sunlight from my raised beds.   I also tried to position the plants better in the beds than last year.


Another change I hope to make in the future is composting. I have the space for several bins or piles and I am sure this would prove beneficial. I currently grow tomatoes, zucchini, squash, cucumbers, onions and peppers in two 10 feet by 10 feet raised beds. Any thoughts?


1 Comment

  • I love your garden and the produce yield pics show a colorful bounty. Miracle Grow is the best. Happy Gardening!

    I garden too – this year it’s a deck container garden due to space limitations. What do you use for your cucumber plants once they start growing to lean on for support?

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