
When we first moved into our house our yard was one of the areas that needed some immediate attention. It is a large lot and has good bones, so to speak, but needed some TLC.

Our house when we first moved in
Our house when we first moved in

There was a tree in the front of the house which desperately needed to be removed as well as two pampas grass bushes that threaten to take over the pool deck.


We decided to contract out the removal of the trees to the family that renovated our master bathroom and it really was a family job for them, kids and all.



Flowers have been an ongoing project for the front and backyard.



I was able to bring some perennials from my previous home and also from my grandmother’s house to save a little money.


I like color, symmetry and variety so I am always changing something in my flower beds.


Now our grass was whole other issue.  The first year in our home we didn’t own a lawn mower, so I paid a landscaping company to mow and edge our yard. The price was only about $45 dollars each cut, but that quickly added up over a summer. So being an MBA student at the time I quickly did a SWOT Analysis and determined it would be much cheaper for me to buy a riding lawn mower and cut it myself.


Our yard is a little too big and I am a little too old these days for a push mower, but this problem was soon solved after we found a great used riding mower.

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